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In the Autonomous Formulation Laboratory, Peter Beaucage and other experts are revolutionizing the way product formulations, such as medicines and shampoo, are created and improved. Credit: M. King/NIST
In last month’s article, “ANOVA and the Process Behavior Chart,” we saw how both techniques use the same basic comparison to answer completely different questions. Here, we’ll look at a case history where both techniques were used.
A physical property of a mass-produced item was important to its functionality. The production of these items involved three steps: batches of…
Understanding the inner workings of your industrial artificial intelligence (IAI) system is crucial if you want it to add measurable value to your manufacturing operations. Here, we’ll dig into one important aspect of every AI: the inputs, aka your data. Including the right type and the right amount of data is key to success when it comes to AI.
To understand the full potential…
What are the elements of a successful team? In a nutshell—whether it’s an athletic team, a dance team, or a business team—the critical elements are people who are knowledgeable, dedicated, productive, work well with others, and constantly seek to improve their skills.
But hiring and firing are equally important. You know what you want in your employees, and you would do well to…
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