(ISO: Geneva) -- Exposure to ionizing radiation is a potential risk in many situations, and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has a score of standards that help ensure exposure levels are kept within safe limits. Now, two new standards have been published that focus on the dosimetric monitoring of medical staff and the radon that emanates from building materials.
We are all exposed to ionizing radiation in our daily lives. It’s generated by natural sources like soil and water, and widely used in medical settings for treatments and diagnoses. But exposure to excess levels can cause potentially fatal diseases. The radioactive gas radon, for example, is the second leading cause of lung cancer.
Because radiation types and settings vary widely, ISO has a growing range of standards to assess and manage radiation exposure, and two new additions have just been published.
In the medical field, the increasing use of radionuclides means that the need for effective programs that monitor staff exposure to radiation is growing, and ever more complex.
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