Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash
Health connects each one of us to one another. No matter where we are in the world, who we are, or what we do, the state of our health is a key determinant in our quality of life. Simply put, it’s our most valuable asset.
Individual health crises can be disastrously grim, and if not addressed adequately can result in a chain of negative events that upend not only the quality of life for the one afflicted but their family and friends as well. Likewise, as we witnessed with the Covid-19 pandemic, these events on a global scale can stretch healthcare systems to the breaking point, decimate whole industries, cripple national economies, and hinder global development. These negative outcomes illustrate the critical importance of protecting health for all, everywhere.
Despite its negative impacts the pandemic reinvigorated a global impetus for innovation, especially in the field of medicine. From gene editing and artificial intelligence-powered diagnostics to wearable medical devices and the rapid growth of telehealth, today’s multifaceted technology breakthroughs offer countless benefits for patients and providers—but only if done right, with people at the core.
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