Made in America. Words to be proud of. Quality in America is going strong, and a significant force behind the quality movement is that what was once driven only from within organizations is now being promoted externally through national, state and regional programs. From California to Maine, private and government organizations are promoting quality through regional quality award programs.
There are 61 state or regional quality award programs spread across the 36 states listed in this year's State Quality Awards Directory. And perhaps the most significant connection between all these award programs is that 54 of them are based on the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (including the three Canadian awards).
Judging by the number of companies that applied for the 1996 Baldrige Award -- 29, the lowest in the award's history -- one might have thought that the award had lost its appeal. However, the fact that the Baldrige office has sent out more than a million copies of its judging criteria since the award began in 1987 and that 89 percent of state and regional awards are Baldrige-based tells a different story.
What we may be witnessing is a shift from an interest in competing in a national award program that has little impact on an organization's neighbors, to a concentration on state and regional award programs that use the same excellent Baldrige criteria. Arguably, regional award programs will have a much greater local impact if only because regional programs, supported by local industry and government, have a higher profile and higher participation.

As regional award programs proliferate, and as the Baldrige guidelines continue to be the backbone of such programs, expect American quality and competitiveness to keep growing stronger.

The following states have entries in this directory.


New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota


The Alabama U.S. Senate Productivity and Quality Award

Contact: Linda Vincent
Alabama Productivity Center
P.O. Box 870318
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0318
Ph.: (205) 348-8956 H Fax: (205) 348-9391

Examination categories include leadership, information and analysis, strategic quality planning, human resource development and management, management for process quality, quality and operational results, and customer focus and satisfaction. To qualify, applicants' productivity and quality efforts must be implemented within Alabama. Applicants may have affiliates, divisions or headquarters in other states.

Categories: Small business, manufacturing, service (including government and education)

Year Started: 1986

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: October&endash;November -- Applications available. February -- Pre-applications/eligibility determination forms due. April -- Applications due. September -- Winners selected. October -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Pre-application/eligibility determination processing fee -- $25. Application -- $100



Arizona Governor's Award for Quality

Contact: Dale Parvey
Arizona Quality Alliance
7000 N. 16th St., Suite 120-246
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Ph.: (888) 346-7768 H Fax: (602) 655-1948

This award is patterned after the Baldrige, with two notable exceptions: All organizations -- public or private, profit or nonprofit -- are eligible, and award categories are set according to the size of the organization without limitations on the sector, industry or profit status. Public-sector and nonprofit firms compete against the same criteria as their like-sized counterparts in private industry. Any Arizona-based organization and any Arizona division, subsidiary or agency of a national organization may apply. There is no limit to the number of award recipients.

Categories: Large (500 or more employees), medium (100&endash;499 employees), small (up to 99 employees)

Year Started: 1993

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: January -- Applications and eligibility form available. April -- Eligibility form due. May -- Award application due. October -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Eligibility -- $35. Application -- Large: $1,750; Medium: $1,250; Small: $750


Arizona Pioneer Award for Quality

Contact: Arizona Quality Alliance
Address: Same as above

The Pioneer Award will be given to Arizona organizations who have begun the quality journey by establishing and deploying fundamental quality systems within their operations, demonstrating a commitment to continuous quality improvement and establishing a record of applying the philosophy and principles of total quality management. It does not emphasize that they have achieved excellent results yet, only that they have made a good start.

Year Started: 1993

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: Same as Governor's Award

Fees: Eligibility -- $35. Application -- Large: $1,500; Medium: $1,000; Small: $500



Arkansas State Quality Award

Contact: Barbara Harvell
Executive Director
Arkansas Eastman Division
Eastman Chemical Co.
P.O. Box 2357
Batesville, AR 72503
Ph.: (501) 373-1300 H Fax: (501) 373-1976

The Arkansas State Quality Award recognizes organizations that have met identified standards at four levels: Quality Interest -- for organizations beginning to express interest in quality principles; Quality Commitment -- for organizations demonstrating serious commitment to total quality management; Quality Achievement -- for organizations demonstrating significant progress in building sound processes; Governor's Quality Award -- for organizations demonstrating the utmost in quality excellence.

Categories: Any Arkansas public or private organization of any size

Year Started: 1995

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: To be determined

Fees: Application -- $1 per employee (maximum of $1,000). Site visit -- $250 a day (three days max.)



The Governor's Golden State Quality Award

Contact: Barbara Blalock
Executive Director
California Center for Quality, Education and Development
P.O. Box 2231
Sacramento, CA 95812
Ph.: (916) 321-5484 H Fax: (916) 323-3968

The Governor's Golden State Quality Award aims toward renewing California's commitment to productivity and competitiveness. Awards will be presented to manufacturing and service companies, small businesses, health care organizations, educational institutions, and government and nonprofit organizations. Award recipients excel in any one or more of four areas: management, marketplace, workplace and community. It also honors companies that excel in all four subject areas with the Overall Excellence Award.

Categories: Large businesses (500 employees or more), small businesses (less than 500 employees), service, health care, education, government and nonprofit organizations

Year Started: 1994

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: April -- Eligibility application due. June -- Award applications due. December -- Awards announced

Fees: Eligibility -- $50. Application -- Large Overall Award: $2,000; Small Overall Award: $500


U.S. Senate Productivity Award

Contact: Tom Hinton or Alicia Pettersen
California Council for Quality and Service
2300 Boswell Road, Suite 211
Chula Vista, CA 91914
Ph.: (619) 656-6400 H Fax: (619) 656-2389

The Baldrige Award forms the basis for the U.S. Senate Productivity Award for California. Only California-based manufacturing companies or subsidiaries that produce and sell manufactured products or manufacturing processes, including agricultural, mining or construction products, may apply. All applicants who meet the criteria for those award levels receive gold, silver or bronze awards. The top-scoring applicant in each category wins.

Categories: Large manufacturer (200 or more employees), small manufacturer (less than 200 employees)

Year Started: 1992

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: July -- Applications due. December -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Application -- Large: $1,500; small: $750. Site visit -- Applicants pay all site-visit costs for examiners


The Eureka Award

Contact: California Council for Quality and Service
Address: Same as above

The Eureka Award is the same as the U.S. Senate Productivity Award mentioned above, except that it honors California-based service companies, nonprofits, government entities, education, health care and small for-profit business and professional service organizations. Any entity possessing a valid business license or incorporated under California laws or registered with the California Secretary of State may apply for the Eureka Award.

Categories: Service (for-profit, 200 employees or more), small business/professional services (for-profit, less than 200 employees), nonprofit, education (nonprofit educational institutions), government and health care

Year Started: 1992

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: Same as U.S. Senate Productivity Award

Fees: Application -- Large service: $1,500; small service: $750; nonprofit: $750; education: $500; government: $500; health care: $1,500



Canada Awards for Excellence

Contact: John Perry, Mark Soiseth or Sylvie Binet
National Quality Institute
360 Albert St., Suite 1540
Ottawa, ON K1R 7X7 Canada
Ph.: (613) 237-4111 H Fax: (613) 237-7171

The Canada Awards for Excellence recognize excellence in both private and public organizations on a national scale. Qualifying organizations must have made a notable venture into continuous quality improvement in the past ten years, and they must have documented proof of success over at least a three-year period. The highest honor is the Quality Award, which is divided into eight categories.

Categories: Private sector: Manufacturing (small to medium), service (small to medium), manufacturing (large) and service (large); public sector: education, government and health care; and not-for-profit

Year Started: 1984

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: April -- Applications due. October -- Winners announced

Fees: Small to medium organizations (fewer than 200 employees) -- $250 plus goods and services tax; large organizations (200 or more employees) -- $1,000 plus goods and services tax. Site visits -- small to medium, $1,500 plus goods and services tax; large, $5,000 plus goods and services tax


Entrepreneurship Award

Contact: National Quality Institute
Address: Same as above

Application to the National Quality Institute's Entrepreneurship Award is limited to individuals only.

Categories: Private sector

Year Started: 1984

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: Same as the Quality Award

Fees: None


Innovation Award

Contact: National Quality Institute
Address: Same as above

The Innovation Award is given to organizations that demonstrate an intense focus on product innovation and quality.

Categories: Private sector, any size

Year Started: 1984

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: Same as the Quality Award

Fees: None



Connecticut Award for Excellence

Contact: Brian R. Will
Executive Director
Connecticut Award for Excellence
P.O. Box 67
Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Ph.: (800) 392-2122 H Fax: (860) 721-8511

The Connecticut Award for Excellence (CAFE) is Connecticut's state-sanctioned quality award. Established by the governor in 1993, it is operated as a nonprofit venture between the public and private sectors. There are three levels of recognition: the Nutmeg award, for those beginning their quality journey; the Charter Oak award, for those that have made substantial progress; and the Genius Award, which mirrors the Baldrige Award.

Categories: Manufacturing, service, state and local government, health care and educational institutions

Year Started: 1993

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: August -- Eligibility application due. October -- Application due. April -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Eligibility -- $50. Application -- More than 300 employees -- $500; all others -- $250. Site visit -- More than 300 employees -- $500; all others -- $250. Application and site-visit fees may be adjusted for K&endash;12 school systems


Connecticut Quality Improvement Awards

Contact: Sheila Carmine
Connecticut Quality Improvement Award Partnership
P.O. Box 1396
Stamford, CT 06904-1396
Ph.: (203) 322-9534 H Fax: (203) 329-2465

Any Connecticut-based manufacturing or service company may apply. The award encourages companies to use quality improvement as a strategy for business success and growth by: promoting public recognition of excellent companies; making the connection between quality improvement and profit growth through the use of assessment and feedback; and through training, education and coaching. No limit to the number of winning companies.

Categories: Large (500 or more employees), both manufacturing and service; medium (101&endash;499 employees); small (1&endash;100 employees)

Year Started: 1987

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: April -- Intent-to-apply form due. May -- Written application due. September -- Feedback returned

Fees: Large: $3,000; small and medium: $900


Connecticut Small Organization/Organization Component Quality Award

Contact: Connecticut Quality Improvement Award Partnership
Address: Same as above

Any Connecticut-based organization or component with fewer than 500 employees may apply for this award. Eligible organizations include but are not limited to: service businesses, manufacturing businesses, hospitals and health care facilities, academic institutions, nonprofit organizations and government agencies.

Categories: Small (fewer than 500 employees)

Year Started: 1994

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: April -- Intent-to-apply. May -- Applications due. September -- Feedback returned

Fees: $900


Connecticut Innovation Award

Contact: Connecticut Quality Improvement Award Partnership
Address: Same as above

Any Connecticut organization may apply, including but not limited to: manufacturing, service, health care, education, not-for-profit social service agencies and government. All components of Connecticut organizations may apply.

Categories: All

Year Started: 1995

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: June -- Applications due

Fee: $75



Delaware Quality Award

Contact: Zena Tucker
Delaware Quality Consortium
P.O. Box 1401
Dover, DE 19903
Ph.: (302) 739-4271 H Fax: (302) 739-5749

The Delaware Quality Award rewards those organizations that have excelled in meeting the quality challenges facing modern business. Although based on the Baldrige Award, the award differs in the types of categories, these being large and small manufacturing and nonmanufacturing organizations, and nonprofits of any size.

Categories: Large (100 or more employees) and small (fewer than 100 employees) manufacturing or nonmanufacturing organizations, nonprofits of any size

Year Started: 1992

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: November -- Applications available. May -- Applications due. October -- Winners announced

Fees: Application -- More than 100 employees: $750; 99 or fewer employees: $250; nonprofits: $100



Governor's Sterling Award

Contact: John A. Pieno
The Florida Sterling Council
P.O. Box 13907
Tallahassee, FL 32317-3907
Ph.: (904) 922-5316 H Fax: (904) 487-0801

Whereas only private industry can apply for the Baldrige Award, the Sterling Award also recognizes quality achievements in the public, education and health care sectors. Applicants compete against a world-class standard of excellence, not against each other. All organizations meeting the standard will be honored with an award.

Categories: Manufacturing, service, education, health care and public. Each category is divided into large (250 or more employees) and small/medium (fewer than 250 employees)

Year Started: 1993

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: September -- Application of intent due. November -- Application due. May -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Application of intent -- $50. Application -- Large: $2,000; small/medium: $500. Site visit -- $1,000 plus examiner team expenses



Georgia Oglethorpe Award

Contact: Victoria Currie Taylor
148 International Blvd., Suite 525
Atlanta, GA 30303
Ph.: (404) 651-8402 H Fax: (404) 656-6350

The Georgia Oglethorpe Award has been created through a private-public partnership. It is intended to recognize performance excellence, drive continuous improvement and celebrate achievements. Based in the Georgia Department of Labor and endorsed by the governor, the award will recognize Georgia organizations that make notable strides for performance excellence. Applicants must meet minimum eligibility requirements and complete a written application (which is based on the Baldrige Award criteria). There is no limit on the number of organizations that might receive the award.

Categories: Large and small manufacturing (large: 200 or more employees; small: fewer than 200 employees), large and small service, government, education, health care and not-for-profit

Year Started: 1997

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: To be determined. Awards ceremony to be held in 1998

Fees: To be determined



Hawaii State Award of Excellence

Contact: Norm Baker
Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii
1132 Bishop St.
Honolulu, HI 96813
Ph.: (808) 545-4394 H Fax: (808) 545-4309

This award is Baldrige-based, but it adds a focus that perpetuates Hawaii's uniqueness and spirit of aloha. This award is open to all businesses. More than 50 percent of the applicant's employees and 50 percent of its physical assets must be located in Hawaii.

Categories: Any public or private, profit or nonprofit organization of any size

Year Started: 1994

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: December -- Applications available. March -- Eligibility applications due. May -- Applications due. October -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Application -- large (100 or more employees): $100; small (fewer than 100 employees); or nonprofit: $50. Site visit -- Large: $400; small and nonprofit: $100



Idaho Quality Award

Contact: Chris Kaltenecker
Idaho Total Quality Institute
10332 Fairview Ave., Suite 202B
Boise, ID 83704
Ph.: (208) 322-6032 H Fax: Same as phone

The Idaho Quality Award uses the Baldrige Award criteria, but applicants must address only three of the seven categories. Leadership and either customer focus and satisfaction or quality and operational results are mandatory criteria. Applicants select any of the four remaining criteria for their third category.

Categories: Any public or privately held organization of any size in Idaho

Year Started: 1995

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule and Fees: To be determined



Illinois Team Excellence Award

Contact: Jane Frech
Illinois Manufacturer's Association
220 East Adams St.
Springfield, IL 62701-1123
Ph.: (217) 522-1240 H Fax: (217) 522-8469

The award showcases how Illinois businesses are using teamwork, training and people empowerment to consistently supply superior products and services at an optimal cost. Employee teams must be from a company headquartered or located in Illinois, and the team must represent a cross-section of that work force. The team's case study may be part of an ongoing project, process change or one-time project to reduce costs, improve quality or safety, or increase productivity.

Categories: Large- and small-company divisions

Year Started: 1993

Baldrige-Based: No

Schedule: June -- Entry applications due. September -- Regional team presentations. October -- Final presentations and awards ceremony

Fees: $300


The Lincoln Awards for Excellence

Contact: F.G. (Skip) Coggin
The Lincoln Foundation
for Business Excellence
820 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 525
Chicago, IL 60607
Ph.: (312) 258-5301 H Fax: (312) 258-4066

There are three levels offered in the Lincoln Awards for Excellence: Commitment to Excellence -- for efforts to adopt and apply continuous improvement principles; Progress Toward Excellence -- for demonstrating sound and notable continuous improvement processes; and Achievement of Excellence -- for demonstrating exemplary approach, deployment and results in overall quality systems. There is no limit to the number of awards.

Categories: Education, government, health care, industry and service

Year Started: 1995

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: April -- Intent to apply. June -- Award applications due. September&endash;October -- Site visits. November -- Recipients announced. December -- Awards ceremony

Fees: 500 or more employees -- Educa-tion and government: Commitment -- $200; Progress -- $600; Excellence -- $1200. Health care/industry/service: Commitment -- $500; Progress -- $750; Excellence -- $3,000. Fewer than 500 employees -- Education and government: Commitment -- $100; Progress -- $300; Excellence -- $600. Health care/industry/service: Commitment -- $250; Progress -- $750; Excellence -- $1,500



Louisiana Quality Award

Contact: Robert V. Bruce
Louisiana Quality Foundation
LSU at Alexandria
8100 Highway 71 S.
Alexandria, LA 71302-9121
Ph.: (318) 473-6495 H Fax: (504) 257-4442

This award is given each year to recipients who meet a significant part of the criteria as determined by an objective panel of judges after they have received input from examiners. All applicants that meet the criteria and are considered to be quality organizations will receive awards.

Categories: For-profit manufacturing and service, nonprofit, government and education

Year Started: 1995

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: June -- Application deadline. August -- Site visits. October -- Award presentation

Fees: Applicant fees range from $250&endash;$1,000, depending on organization size. Site visit fees range from $500&endash;$1,500


U.S. Senate Productivity Award

Contact: Edward J. O'Boyle
College of Administration and Business
Louisiana Tech University
P.O. Box 10318
Ruston, LA 71272
Ph.: (318) 257-3701 H Fax: (318) 257-4253

In selecting a suitable recipient, the board looks at these six factors: an organization's specific productivity and quality improvement program; the program's driving force; senior management's commitment to quality and productivity; the involvement of the company's work force in the program; impact on owners, managers, employees, customers and vendors; and the transferability of the program to other private-sector business. One prize is awarded each year.

Categories: Any private for-profit or not-for-profit business of any size operating at least five years in Louisiana

Year Started: 1984

Baldrige-Based: No

Schedule: September -- Applications due. December&endash;January -- Award given

Fees: None


U.S. Senate Innovation Award

Contact: Louisiana Tech University
Address: Same as above

Similar to Louisiana's U.S. Senate Productivity Award, but the critical factors are somewhat different. Board members look at the specific innovation; the driving force behind it; senior manager's commitment to the activity; risks taken to develop innovation; impact on owners, managers, employees, customers, vendors and competition; and the transferability of the program to other private-sector business. One prize is awarded on an occasional basis.

Categories: Any private for-profit or not-for-profit business of any size operating at least five years in Louisiana

Year Started: 1988

Baldrige-Based: No

Schedule and Fees: Same as U.S. Senate Productivity Award above



Margaret Chase Smith
Maine State Quality Award
Contact: Martha Cordioli
Maine Quality Center
P.O. Box 2328
Lewiston, ME 04241-2328
Ph.: (207) 946-4687 H Fax: Same

This Baldrige-based award is open to any organization in Maine that employs five or more people. In the 1996 award cycle, the award will be offered at three different levels: Level I -- Commitment, Level II -- Progress and Level III -- Excellence (Baldrige-based). There is no limit to the number of winners.

Categories: Any organization with five or more employees

Year Started: 1991

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: March -- Intent to apply. April -- Applications due. November -- Awards ceremony

Fees: $50 plus $2 per employee. Maximum of $1,550



U.S. Senate Productivity Award

Contact: Amit Gupta
Maryland Center for Quality
and Productivity
Van Munching Hall
College of Business and Management
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-7215
Ph.: (301) 405-7099 H Fax: (301) 314-9119

This award promotes the improvement of productivity and quality in Maryland organizations and facilitates information sharing on successful productivity and quality-improvement strategies. All manufacturing, service and public-sector organizations with five or more employees are eligible.

Categories: Manufacturing, service and public sector

Year Started: 1983

Baldrige-Based: Expect to be Baldrige-based by next year

Schedule: June -- Eligibility applications due. July -- Applications due. October -- Awards ceremony

Fees: None


Maryland Excellence Award

Contact: Maryland Center for Quality
and Productivity
Address: Same as above

This award is identical to the U.S. Senate and Productivity award but applies only to education and small business. Educational institutions may apply for this award only if they are public-sector and nonprofit.

Categories: Small business and education

Year Started: 1993

Baldrige-Based: Expected to be Baldrige-based by next year

Schedule and Fees: Same as U.S. Senate Productivity Award above


Governor's Quality Awards

Contact: Tina Romanowski
Center for Continuous
Quality Improvement
Dept. of Budget and Management
301 W. Preston St., Room 602
Baltimore, MD 21201
Ph.: (410) 767-4687 H Fax: (410) 333-5262

This award is presented to state agencies or units of state agencies that excel in productivity and quality achievement. Examiners evaluate and score applicants on five categories of information: management leadership, customer satisfaction, management of process quality, human resource excellence and the site visit.

Categories: State agencies -- Large (1,500 or more employees); medium (500&endash;1,499 employees); and small (fewer than 500 employees)

Year Started: 1992

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: April -- Applications available. August -- Applications due. October -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Application -- Large: $300; medium: $200; small: $100



Massachusetts Quality Award

Contact: Jerold Christen
Massachusetts Council for Quality
University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Center for Industrial Competitiveness, Pasteur 307
Lowell, MA 01854
Ph.: (617) 275-1200 H Fax: (617) 275-1958

The Massachusetts Quality Award has three levels: Level One is a noncompetitive organizational self-assessment; Level Two is noncompetitive and involves developing a Baldrige-based application, evaluation by a certified panel, a site visit followed by a feedback report and a planning meeting that includes the senior examiner of the panel; Level Three continues to be the competitive state-level quality award. All levels are open to all organizations within the state.

Categories: Manufacturing, government, education, small business, profit and not-for-profit

Year Started: 1991

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: October -- Applications due. March -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Level One: small (fewer than 100 employees) -- $500; medium (100&endash;199 employees) -- $1,000; and large (200 or more employees) -- $2,000. Levels Two and Three: small -- $1,000; medium -- $2,000; and large -- $3,000



Michigan Quality Leadership Award

Contact: Bill Kalmar
Oakland University
523 O'Dowd Hall
Rochester, MI 48309-4401
Ph.: (810) 370-4552 H Fax: (810) 370-4628

This Baldrige-based award also includes health care and education organizations. There is no limit to the number of awards in each category. The Michigan Quality Council implemented a two-tiered award program by establishing an Honor Roll in 1995.

Categories: Manufacturing, service, health care, education, small business and the public sector

Year Started: 1993

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: March -- Eligibility applications due. May -- Applications due. October -- Winners announced

Fees: Applications -- Large companies (100 or more employees): $2,500; small companies (fewer than 100 employees): $500


Muskegon Quality Award

Contact: Gayle Miller
Chairman, Muskegon Quality
Award Committee
Hackley Hospital
1700 Clinton St.
Muskegon, MI 49440
Ph.: (616) 728-4642 H Fax: (616) 722-6163

Any organization of any size located in Muskegon County may apply for this award. The three prize levels are Gold, Silver and Bronze. The award is based loosely on Baldrige criteria.

Categories: Any organization, including but not limited to service, banking and government

Year Started: 1992

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Fees: Application -- $100 flat rate



Minnesota Quality Award

Contact: Patricia Fryer Billings
Minnesota Council for Quality
2850 Metro Drive, Suite 300
Bloomington, MN 55425
Ph.: (612) 851-3181 H Fax: (612) 851-3183

The award goes beyond Baldrige to encourage all sectors of enterprise and provide recognition at four levels: commitment, advancement, achievement and role model excellence.

Categories: Manufacturing, service, education, government, health care and not-for-profit

Year Started: 1991

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: January -- Letters of intent due. Mid-April -- Examiner applications due. July -- Examiner training and self-assessment narratives due. July&endash;August -- Self-assessment narratives reviewed. August&endash;September -- Site visits. November -- Feedback reports and awards banquet. November&endash;December -- Improvement planning

Fees: Up to 99 employees, $1,000; 100&endash;500 employees, $2,000; more than 500 employees, $4,000



Missouri Quality Award

Contact: John Politi
Excellence in Missouri Foundation
P.O. Box 1085
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Ph.: (573) 526-1725 H Fax: (573) 526-1729

The Missouri Quality Award is patterned after the Baldrige Award and is designed to stimulate continuous improvement in the quality of products and services, customer satisfaction and global competitiveness. It has three size classifications: small, medium and large. The categories also vary slightly from the Baldrige, as listed below.

Categories: Profit and nonprofit manufacturing, service, education, health care and public-sector organizations. Plus three size categories: small (fewer than 100 employees), medium (100&endash;499 employees) and large (500 or more employees)

Year Started: 1992

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: April -- Eligibility applications due. June -- Award applications due. November -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Eligibility -- $100. Applications -- small: $1,500; medium: $2,500; large: $3,500. Site visit -- Applicant covers half the expenses incurred on site visit



The Edgerton Quality Award

Contact: Jack Ruff
Existing Business Assistance Division
Nebraska Department of
Economic Development
P.O. Box 94666
Lincoln, NE 68509-4666
Ph.: (402) 471-4167 H Fax: (402) 471-3778

This Baldrige-based award is open only to for-profit manufacturing and service organizations recognizing continuous process improvement and adaptation of technology in each category. Awards are presented at three levels: the Edgerton Award of Commitment, the Edgerton Award of Progress and the Edgerton Award of Excellence.

Categories: For-profit manufacturing and service

Year Started: 1993

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: June -- Eligibility application due. January -- Application due. May -- Awards ceremony

Fees: 0&endash;99 employees -- $100; 100&endash;300 -- $350; 301&endash;500 -- $500; 501&endash;800 -- $750; 801 and more -- $1,000


New Hampshire

Granite State Quality Award

Contact: Tom Raffio
Granite State Quality Council
P.O. Box 29
Manchester, NH 03105-0029
Ph.: (603) 223-1300 H Fax: (603) 223-1199

The Granite State Quality Award embraces technological change as a method to achieve maximum productivity at lowest cost; utilize continuous improvement methods to provide efficient, safe and challenging work; stimulate business growth; upgrade public and private education to promote quality awareness; promote environmental awareness; and improve living and working conditions.

Categories: Manufacturing and service. Divided into two size categories -- large (200 or more employees) and small (fewer than 200 employees). In addition, awards may be presented for excellence in any of the seven Baldrige categories

Year Started: 1995

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: December -- Applications due. May -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Letter of intent -- $50. Application -- $450. Site visit -- hosted and funded by applicant


New Jersey

New Jersey Quality Achievement Award

Contact: Richard Serfass
Quality New Jersey
CN 827
Trenton, NJ 08625-0827
Ph.: (609) 777-0940 H Fax: (609) 777-2798

In 1997, the New Jersey Quality Award and Assessment Process will provide more options for participation and recognition. Two recognition levels include the Quality Discoverer assisted self-assessment and the Quality Explorer. Award levels include Excellence in Operations, Excellence in the Marketplace, Excellence in the Work Force and the New Jersey Quality Achievement Award for overall excellence.

Categories: Manufacturing and service -- more than 200 employees; small business -- 200 or fewer employees; support divisions of companies, government, health care, education, not-for-profit

Year Started: 1992

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: April -- Eligibility forms due. June -- Award applications due. September&endash;October -- Site visit. October -- Award winner notification

Fees: Eligibility -- $50. Application -- Large business or business support (greater than 200 employees): $1,600; all others: $500


New Mexico

New Mexico Quality Awards

Contact: William W. Bankey
or Glenn Walters
Quality New Mexico
P.O. Box 25005
Albuquerque, NM 87125
Ph.: (505) 797-8978 H Fax: (505) 242-7940

This award began as a U.S. Senate Productivity Award in 1988. Since 1994, the New Mexico Quality Awards have used Baldrige criteria. Any organization, public or private, may apply. Applicants compete against award criteria, with no limit to the number of winners.

Categories: Any New Mexico organization, public or private, with five or more employees

Year Started: 1988

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: March -- Applications available. June&endash;August -- Application preparation workshops conducted. September -- Eligibility determinations due. October -- Award applications due. March -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Eligibility -- $50. Application -- Roadrunner: $50; Zia: $100 plus $1 per employee (maximum of $500). Site visit -- Roadrunner: Judges' discretion ($50); Zia: $250


New York

The Governor's Excelsior Award

Contact: Barbara Ann Harms
Executive Director
Excelsior Award Inc.
11 Computer Drive W., Suite 212
Albany, NY 12205
Ph.: (518) 482-1747 H Fax: (518) 482-2231

This program focuses on continuous improvement and labor-management cooperation as the drivers of quality in the workplace. The award is based on the Baldrige; however, it differs in that it is open to all economic sectors with specific criteria developed off a common standard for each sector. Any organization that meets award criteria may receive the award.

Categories: Private or public manufacturers or service businesses, government, health care, education and nonprofit

Year Started: 1991

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: April -- Applications available. September -- Eligibility forms due. November -- Applications due. May -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Under review


North Carolina

North Carolina Quality Leadership Award

Contact: Mette Leather
North Carolina Quality
Leadership Foundation
4904 Professional Court, Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27609
Ph.: (919) 872-8198 H Fax: (919) 872-8199

This award uses Baldrige-based award criteria and training materials. The main goals are self-assessment and learning. By using the criteria for self-assessment, organizations can identify their strengths and areas for improvement. Subsidiaries of companies may apply. There is no limit to the number of awards.

Categories: Large (500 or more employees), medium (100&endash;499 employees) and small (up to 99 employees) organizations, including manufacturing, service (including not-for-profit), educational and public sector

Year Started: 1991

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: December 16, 1996 -- Eligibility applications due. March -- Applications due. October -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Eligibility -- $100. Application: Large manufacturing or service -- $3,500; medium manufacturing or service -- $2,500; small manufacturing or service -- $800; large education or public sector -- $2,000; medium education or public sector -- $1,500; small education or public sector -- $800. Site visits paid by organizations



Governor's Award for Team
Excellence in Manufacturing
Contact: Chris Merritt
The Ohio Manufacturers' Association
33 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43215
Ph.: (614) 224-5111 H Fax: (614) 224-1012

This award recognizes teamwork and employee involvement activities in manufacturing processes. Manufacturing teams from around the state participate in the competition by making presentations that demonstrate their use of quality tools and improvement processes.

Categories: Manufacturing only, with two size categories: small plant division (fewer than 500 employees) and large plant division (500 or more employees)

Year Started: 1990

Baldrige-Based: No

Schedule: June -- Applications due. September&endash;October -- Preliminary competitions. December -- Finals and awards ceremony

Fees: $300


Team Excellence in the Public Sector

Contact: Ken Cookson
Ohio Office of Quality Services
77 S. High St., 7th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Ph.: (614) 728-2584 H Fax: (614) 644-6763

This award is designed to demonstrate the value of teamwork and employee involvement in the public sector, and to demonstrate the creativity and imagination teams possess in finding solutions to problems. Teams showcase what they have accomplished through the use of quality tools and improvement processes.

Categories: Teams employed by townships, counties, municipalities or state or federal agencies

Year Started: 1994

Baldrige-Based: No

Schedule: July -- Application deadline. October -- Showcase presentations. December -- Awards presentation

Fees: $300



Oklahoma Quality Award

Contact: Mike Strong
Executive Director
P.O. Box 26980
Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0980
Ph.: (405) 815-5295 H Fax: (405) 815-5142

The Oklahoma Quality Award closely follows the Baldrige Award, but there is no limit on the number of awards that can be given in a category. The award has three levels -- commitment, achievement and excellence. To be eligible, an organization must have operated in Oklahoma for three years and its major business function must be verified in Oklahoma.

Categories: Manufacturing, service, health care, education and government. Three size categories -- Category 1, 1&endash;50 employees; Category 2, 51&endash;250 employees; Category 3, more than 250 employees

Year Started: 1993

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: May 15 -- Applications due. October -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Category 1 -- $500; Category 2 -- $1,000; Category 3 -- $1,500



Oregon Quality Award

Contact: Tim Dedlow
Oregon Quality Initiative
121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 1140
Portland, OR 97204
Ph.: (503) 224-4606 H Fax: (503) 224-5435
Organizations of all sizes may apply for the Oregon Quality Award. The organization judged as best by the criteria will receive the Governor's Award for Quality. Although Baldrige-based, the Oregon Quality Award has a simpler application process.

Categories: Manufacturing, service, education, government and health care

Year Started: 1994

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: January -- Applications available. October -- Award winners recognized

Fees: Application book -- $40. Application -- $125&endash;$1,500, depending on size



Greater Pittsburgh Total Quality Award

Contact: Bob Graham
Executive Director
Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of
Commerce Three Gateway Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Ph.: (412) 392-4500 H Fax: (412) 392-4520

Organizations from all sectors may apply, and must be headquartered in the counties of Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Washington or Westmoreland. Winners will participate in the annual conference.

Categories: Formerly manufacturing, service, government, health care, education and small business; now there is a single category for all applicants

Year Started: 1993

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: To be determined

Fees: Eligibility -- None. Application -- $500. There is no site visit fee


Lancaster Chamber
Business Excellence Award
Contact: Betty Rose
Assistant to the President
The Lancaster Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
P.O. Box 1558
Lancaster, PA 17608-1558
Ph.: (717) 397-3531 H Fax: (717) 293-3159

Any organization that is currently a member of The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry may apply. The four award levels are excellence, leadership, achievement and commitment. Based on the Baldrige Award, the number of areas to address has been reduced to encourage participation.

Categories: Publicly or privately held organizations of any size, government agencies, academic institutions, hospitals and health care, banking, service, manufacturing and religious organizations

Year Started: 1992

Baldrige-Based: Yes


Quality Valley USA
Regional Excellence Award
Contact: Barbara Whitaker
Lehigh Carbon Community College
4525 Education Park Drive
Schnecksville, PA 18078
Ph.: (610) 799-1537 H Fax: (610) 799-2881

Any publicly or privately held organization of any size in the Lehigh Valley region may apply for this award. Organizations may apply to three award levels: highest achievement, significant progress and serious commitment.

Categories: Manufacturing, service, nonprofit, health care, education, finance, government and retail

Year Started: 1987

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: January -- Application deadlines to be decided. October -- Winners announced

Fees: Small organizations (less than 100 employees) -- $150; large organizations (100 ore more employees) -- $350


Tri-State Quality Award for Organizations

Contact: Michael P. Ricci
General Vice President
Klein Plating Works
2020 Greengarden Blvd.
Erie, PA 16502
Ph.: (814) 452-3793 H Fax: (814) 452-3531

Organizations from northwest Pennsylvania, western New York and northeast Ohio may apply for the Tri-State Quality Award for Organizations. There are three award levels: the Serious Commitment Award, the Significant Progress Award and the Highest Achievement Award.

Categories: Any organization, including but not limited to manufacturing, service, education, profit and not-for-profit

Year Started: 1987

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: May -- Applications due. May&endash;October -- Review period and site visits. October -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Small (100 or fewer employees) -- $250; medium (101&endash;500 employees) -- $500; and large (more than 500 employees) -- $750


Pennsylvania Quality Leadership Award

Contact: Pennsylvania Quality Leadership Foundation Inc.
Ph.: (717) 561-7100 H Fax: (717) 561-7104

This award follows a simplified but stringent Baldrige Award format. Any business may apply for the award. There are three award levels and no limit to the amount of winners. The highest award is the Governor's Award, followed by the Keystone Quality Award and the Cornerstone Award.

Categories: Any organization. Large (200 or more employees) and small (fewer than 200 employees)

Year Started: 1992

Baldrige-Based: Yes


Rhode Island

Rhode Island Quality Awards

Contact: Lynn C. Couture
RACE for Quality of Management
P.O. Box 6766
Providence, RI 02940
Ph.: (401) 454-3030 H Fax: (401) 454-0056

The Rhode Island Quality Awards promote excellence and competitiveness improvement and the sharing of successful performance strategies. There are three levels at which organizations apply.


Quality Commitment Award

Contact: RACE for Quality of Management
Address: Same as above

This award is presented to organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to a quality system, which is confirmed when the organization has completed a quality system self-assessment within the past two years and has demonstrated performance improvement over the last six months.

Categories: Manufacturing, service, health care, government and nonprofit

Year Started: 1996

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: December -- Applications available. February -- Eligibility applications due. August -- All applications due

Fees: Eligibility -- $50; Application -- $75


Quality Achievement Award

Contact: RACE for Quality of Management
Address: Same as above

This award is presented to those organizations that have demonstrated significant progress in building sound and notable processes. Recognized organizations have a documented approach, have made major progress in implementing plans and procedures, and are on their way toward achieving significant performance improvements.

Categories: Manufacturing, service, health care, government and nonprofit

Year Started: 1994

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: December -- Applications available. February -- Eligibility applications due. May -- All applications due

Fees: Same as Rhode Island Quality Commitment Award


Rhode Island Award for
Competitiveness and Excellence
Contact: RACE for Quality of Management
Address: Same as above

This top award recognizes excellence and executive leadership. It is for those organizations that have demonstrated the highest level of competitive improvement and excellence. Applicants must include positive trend data and achievement of results.

Categories: Manufacturing, service, health care, government and nonprofit

Year Started: 1994

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule and Fees: Same as Rhode Island Quality Achievement Award


URI/RACE Quality in Education Award

Contact: Dr. Maling Ebrahimpour
Dept. of Management Science
and Information Systems
College of Business Administration
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881
Ph.: (401) 874-4369 H Fax: (401) 874-4312

This annual award recognizes a Rhode Island school or school system that has excelled in applying quality principles in education K&endash;12. The winner receives a cash prize and a trophy. Any educational organization located in Rhode Island is eligible to apply.

Categories: Elementary, secondary and high schools

Year Started: 1993

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: July -- Applications due. November -- Winners announced

Fees: None


South Carolina

Governor's Award

Contact: Melissa Brown
Quality Institute
University of South Carolina, Spartanburg
800 University Way
Spartanburg, SC 29303
Ph.: (864) 503-5990 H Fax: (864) 503-5995

Based on the Baldrige Award criteria. No limit to the number of winners. Organizations can participate in the quality recognition process in three ways: interested -- just beginning the quality journey, forum associate -- have a current written quality mission statement and pay annual South Carolina Quality Forum membership fees, and achiever -- forum associates that have demonstrated quality improvement.

Categories: Private, public, government and education

Year Started: 1994

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: September -- Applications due. April -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Application -- Fewer than 200 employees: $200; 200 or more employees: $500


South Dakota

South Dakota Business Excellence Awards

Contact: Cindy Tryon
Industry and Commerce Association of South Dakota
P.O. Box 190
Pierre, SD 57501-0190
Ph.: (605) 224-6161 H Fax: (605) 224-7198

These awards honor businesses in one or more of 11 categories, including agribusiness, community involvement, customer service, environmental awareness, exports, job creation and manufacturing. Within the quality category, an award is given to the business demonstrating exceptional performance in total quality management. One firm is selected as business of the year.

Categories: Any private-sector, nongovernment, for-profit business of any size

Year Started: 1985

Baldrige-Based: No

Schedule: July -- Applications due. Awards ceremony to be held in 1998

Fees: None



Tennessee Quality Award

Contact: Marie Williams
Tennessee Quality Award
Tennessee Economic Development Center
333 Commerce St.
Nashville, TN 37201-3300
Ph.: (800) 453-6474 H Fax: (615) 214-8933

This award has four levels: Quality Interest, Quality Commitment, Quality Achievement and the Governor's Quality Award. There is no limit to the number of awards.

Categories: Any public or private organization of any size

Year Started: 1993

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: Mid-June -- Intent-to-apply. Mid-July -- Award applications due. January -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Intent-to-apply -- $50. Application -- $1 per employee ($1,000 maximum)



Greater Austin Quality Award

Contact: Jim Nelson
Executive Director
Greater Austin Quality Council
P.O. Box 1967
Austin, TX 78767-1967
Ph.: (512) 322-5603 H Fax: (512) 478-9615

Any organization located in Greater Austin may apply. Organizations that have members on the judges panel are ineligible to receive awards. There are four categories of achievement: the Commitment Award, the Progress Award, the Significant Merit Award and the Highest Achievement Award.

Categories: Any organization may apply regardless of size or type

Year Started: 1991

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Fees: Intent-to-apply -- $50. Application -- $1 per employee, with a maximum of $1,000 ($0.50 per employee for nonprofit and government organizations)


Houston Awards for Quality

Contact: Scott Talley
Houston Awards for Quality
5225 Katy Freeway, Suite 500
Houston, TX 77007
Ph.: (713) 867-4913 H Fax: (713) 867-4922

Any business located in the seven-county area around Harris County may apply for these awards. All entries, with the exception of those in the hospitals category, will be judged by panels made up of the experts from the University of Houston College of Business Administration. A panel of faculty from the University of Texas, Houston School of Public Health, will judge entries in the hospitals category.

Categories: Environment, retail (small and large), service (small and large), manufacturing (small and large) and hospitals

Year Started: 1991

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: To be determined

Fees: Application -- $50


Texas Quality Award

Contact: Jim Carmichael
Quality Texas Foundation
P.O. Box 684157
Austin, TX 78768-4157
Ph.: (512) 477-8137 H Fax: (512) 477-8168

The Texas Quality Award honors Texas organizations that demonstrate excellence in products, services and customer satisfaction. The award is open to educational institutions, health care, government agencies, and large and small businesses.

Categories: Any size industry, service, education, government and nonprofit. Three award levels for 1997: Commitment (entry level), Achievement (mid-level) and the Texas Quality Award

Year Started: 1994

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: March -- Applications available. November&endash;January -- Eligibility requests due. December&endash;February -- Applications due. June -- Awards ceremony

Fees: Each level has a different fee range. Commitment award -- $250&endash;$1000; Achievement award -- $250&endash;$1000; Texas Quality Award -- $500&endash;$2,250. Applicant pays expenses for site visit



Utah Quality Awards

Contact: Julie Pettit or Con Whipple
Utah Quality Council
2120 State Office Building
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Ph.: (801) 355-1236 H Fax: (801) 331-9003

There are four award classifications: The top award is the Governor's Quality Award, followed by the Utah Progress Quality Award, the Utah Quality Improvement Award and the Utah Continuous Quality Improvement Award. There is no limit to the number of award winners.

Categories: Large, medium and small manufacturing, service, nonprofit, government and education

Year Started: 1995

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: January -- Applications available. April -- Applications due. October -- Winners announced

Fees: Application -- Large manufacturing/service: $1,950; medium manufacturing/service: $500; small manufacturing/service: $250; nonprofit, education and government: $650



U.S. Senate Productivity and Quality Award

Contact: Jyl Smithson
Program Manager
Mail Code 0104
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Ph.: (540) 231-3144 H Fax: (540) 231-9886

All Virginia businesses and all organizations in the public sector are eligible. There are three levels of recognition: A medallion is awarded to the outstanding organizations in each category, a plaque is awarded to nonmedallion finalists in each category, and a certificate of merit denotes honorable mention status.

Categories: Private, manufacturing, private service, state and federal agencies and local agencies

Year Started: 1983

Baldrige-Based: No

Schedule: August -- Applications available. November -- Applications due. April -- Awards ceremony and conference

Fees: Public sector -- $150; small organization -- $300; large organization -- $500



Washington State Quality Award

Contact: Tamara Garcia
Program Manager
P.O. Box 11669
Olympia, WA 98508-1669
Ph.: (360) 664-2189 H Fax: (360) 664-4250

This is a "competitive" type of award. Applicants who meet the criteria also compete against each other for the best organization in each category. Only one award is handed out in each category.

Categories: Large (200 or more employees) and small (fewer than 200 employees) government agencies, private, public, nonprofit, health care and educational organizations

Year Started: 1994

Baldrige-Based: Yes

Schedule: May 30 -- Eligibility forms due. June 30 -- Applications due. January -- Winners announced

Fees: Fifty or fewer employees -- $100; 51&endash;200 employees -- $500; 201&endash;500 employees -- $1,000; more than 500 employees -- $2,000