SPC Guide
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Theodore Kinni

Shakespeare on Management
by Paul Corrigan (Kogan Page, $22.95)

This is an interesting mix of Shakespeare's plays, supported by modern management thinkers such as Peter Drucker and Tom Peters. It offers three major lessons: Don't mistake the managerial position for personal power; fear is not an effective tool; and leaders must learn from those whom they manage.


Performance Improvement Methods
by H. James Harrington and Kenneth Lomax (McGraw-Hill, $49.95)

Having canvassed more than 1,100 tools, the authors have identified the 85 most effective ways to analyze data, generate ideas, make decisions and implement plans. It includes a CD-ROM that explains the tools and process-modeling software.


Running Training Like a Business
by David van Adelsberg and Edward Trolley (Berrett-Koehler, $27.95)

Treat training and development as an enterprise instead of as a function, says this pair of Forum Corp. consultants. To accomplish that goal, they present an implementation process designed to identify strategic needs, rationalize and maximize delivery, and cut costs.


Making Common Sense Common Practice
by Ron Moore (Cashman Dudley, $29.95)

Consultant Moore uses an extended, fictionalized case study to illustrate his 10-point plan for manufacturing excellence. The book briefly covers the full spectrum of management and operations but is weighted heavily with maintenance and reliability strategies and techniques.


Skyhooks for Leadership
edited by John Shtogren (AMACOM, $29.95)

This attempt at integrating the thinking of more than 20 leading management theorists into a seven-step leadership process is supported by reprinted book excerpts and magazine articles. The main elements are vision, trust, open communication, meaningful work, empowerment and self-determination, teamwork and involvement, and transformational style.


To subscribe to a free monthly e-letter featuring business book reviews, contact Theodore Kinni at The Business Reader, telephone (757) 258-4746, fax (757) 258-3398 or e-mail .



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